Friday 13 December 2019

Travel Essentials That Every Girl Needs To Have In Their Backpack

Packing your bags for your next travel could be a confusing task. You need to be really picky and cannot carry your entire wardrobe with you in the limited space available on your suitcase or backpack. Being a girl adds on to this troublesome task as you definitely have a ton of things on your mind to carry with yourself. Be it your makeup kit, hygienic toiletries, exotic dresses or the extra pair of shoe you saved for this tour. Woah! A lot to pack in, but you don’t have space. 

If you are planning for a safari or a jungle trail, you could opt for the Jim Corbett national park. Make sure to check out the resorts in Corbett national park in advance to avoid the hassle of over-bookings. 
So, here is a list of essentials that you need to include in your backpack for your next travel-

1. Medicines
Make sure to take a small box of medicines and Band-Aid to avoid any unforeseen situation during your travel. Medicines are often overlooked in the excitement of the journey but are really essential to carry. It could help you or your fellow travellers if they get sick or injured during the journey. A first aid kit should definitely be your first choice in the list of items to include during your travel. 

2. Lip balms and Moisturisers
For a girl, moisturisers are really important to keep your skin healthy and glowing all through the journey. You would definitely not want to have rough or dried during your travel and feel the need to hide those beautiful hands under the sleeves. 
Lip balm is another essential which would moisturize your lips and keep them smooth. Travelling around with a chapped and painful lip is a no-no for a happy travel.
The above two items are a must during winter travel when conditions are dry.

3. Tampons and Sanitary pads
Being a girl is not easy and you need to be prepared for the unwanted periods during your travel. The last thing you would want is to sit in pain during the entire journey and not enjoy your tour fearing about the pain and stains.

Pack tampons or a pack of hygienic pads to help you with your periods and enjoy your journey at the same time. You can also go with Diva cups to reduce your carry load. This is an essential item to have on your suitcase to avoid spoiling your journey just because of menstruation. 

4. Sunscreen
Travelling out means exposure to sunlight which calls for the next essential of our list – sunscreens! They protect your skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun and keeps them hydrated all day long. They also avoid tanning of your skin to display irregularities in skin colour in exposed and unexposed parts.

Sunscreens are a necessary travel buddy for every girl to carry with them, especially during the scorching heat of summer tours. 

5. Towels
Make sure to carry your own towel with you during your travel. Do not completely rely upon hotels to provide you with towels. There are many hotels which unlike the hotels in Corbett which do not have any services like this and you could be in trouble during your tour. So make sure to pack a comfortable and clean towel in your bag with the clothes. Also, using your own towel is more hygienic and makes you less prone to contagious diseases.

A pro tip! Carry a thin towel instead of a bulky one for travelling purposes. Also, try keeping a short and long towel with you. The short towel could come handy in outdoor activities like trekking or sightseeing. 

6. Face wash, Shampoos and deodorants
Face wash is necessary to clean up the dirt on your face during your journey to keep it clean and glowing. When you travel outside you get exposed to harmful dust particles in the air which might lead to pimples and spots on your face. Thus, a face wash is really effective in keeping your beautiful face clean and glowing.

As mentioned earlier, travelling exposes you to dust particles in the air which might get attached to your hair follicles and damaging them. You need to clean your hair whenever possible after an outside visit to keep them healthy and shiny.

Deodorants are a must to keep in your bag as it helps you stay clean and remove the foul smell of sweat you acquired during your travel. Make sure to pack a mild but effective deodorant in your bag while travelling.

These were the main essentials apart from your general pair of boots, portable charger, clippers and slippers. Make sure to keep your bag light and avoid using useless travel accessories like jewellery and other makeup items. Have a happy and safe travel ahead.